9 aprilie 2014

Stunning Israel (photo gallery)

The Negev, land of the Ibex:

There's nothing like floating in the Dead Sea, NOTHING!

Tel Aviv beach - 95°F on October 30th, 2013

Baha'i Gardens in Haifa:

The moshav (village) of Nahalal

Spring bloom (anemones):

Race up a 2.5 km rocky path that climbs the 300m ascent up to the top of Masada... ending with 750 steep stone steps

More Masada:

View from Masada towards the Dead Sea:

Masada at nightime:

Roman Aquaduct at Caesarea:

Northern Israel, February 2014:

Almond trees in bloom, the Galilee:

A few days later:

Stunning Hula Lake in the Upper Galilee, Israel's premier birdwatching site!

The amazing Qumran Caves, the site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by a lost Bedouin boy in 1946!

The stunning Saint George Monastery in the Kelt Canyon:

 Stunning sunrise - the Mount Arbel lookout over the Sea of Galilee!

Judean Desert:

Tel Aviv beach:

On the Jordan river:

Tel Aviv sunset skyline:

Another Good Moooooooorning in the Galilee:

Birds (over 500 million) migrate over Israel every year (cranes below):

Old Jaffa street:

Dead Sea superconcentrated salt:

Stunning sunrise at the Ramon Crater:

Another desert view:

Put some spice in your life:

The occasional snow in Merom Golan up in the North:

Yes, that's a camel:

Donut art:

The Red Sea resort town of Eilat (far background):

and up close:

"Taste of Sea of Galilee" food festival:

Timna Park, near Eilat:

Still warm enough for a dip: Tel Aviv beach in November:

Jerusalem Knight festival:

Desert road:

Citrus season in the Carmel Market (Tel Aviv):

Carmel Market colors:

Sunrise over the Dead Sea:

Hula Valley up north:

View over the Jerusalem mountains:

More old Jaffa:

Windmill action in Jerusalem:

The Baha'i Gardens in Haifa:

Bahá'í World Centre Garden, Mt. Carmel, Haifa, Israel

Israel from above:

Jaffa flea market (detail):

Tel Aviv, the Middle East capital of cool! 


It's Hummus time!

A dip in the lowest freshwater lake in the world (the Sea of Galilee):

Any dentist in the house? 

Tel Aviv beach Promenade:

A quieter beach (also on the Mediterranean) further north:

The desert oasis of Ein Gedi:

Bedouin sheep herders:

Tel Aviv's biggest cycling event, Sovev Tel Aviv:

Netanya's Blue Bay Beach:

Hot-air baloon festival:

Meditation in the desert, The Buddha Festival : 

Another sunset over the Mediterranean:

The stunning Negev Desert was recently voted by Lonely Planet as one of the world's top regions to visit:

The magical Dijeridu / Didgeridoo Festival, deep in the Negev desert!

Awameh, an arabic sweet delight:

February in the hills and valleys of Galilee, up north:

Pretty girls on bikes... there's nothing quite like Tel Aviv!

Boys too:

The Dead Sea. Again.

Narrow street in the Old City of Akko (Acre)

Jerusalem street:

Spring bloom in the Golan:

Anemones in the spring:

Springtime in the hills of Galilee:

The stunning Ramon Crater:

Tel Aviv's geometric triple skyrise:

Old and new in Tel Aviv:

Tel Aviv street kiss:

Horsey sunset in the Golan:

Across the Sea of Galilee:

Sunrise walk along the Via Dolorosa in Old Jerusalem:

Winter in Israel - music video 

Dried fruit stand:

Shabbat is nearing in Jerusalem's Old City 

Winter day at the beach:

Winter in Jerusalem:

Mt. Tavor:

Mt. Hermon is snowcapped: 

Jerusalem's Old city merchants:

Tel Aviv view from Jaffa:

Snow in the north:

Ein Bokek, the Dead Sea:

The golden hour over Yavniel Valley with Sea of Galilee and Golan Heights in the distance:

Leafy street outside Jerusalem's old city:

Church of the Holy Sepulcher in old Jerusalem:

Care for an olive?

December 2013 view across the Sea of Galilee, snowy Mt. Hermon in the distance 

Snowy December in the Golan Heights:

Snow in Jerusalem:

Winter in

Bethlehem on Christmas eve:


Haifa: Christmas tree along Hanukkiah's

Tel Aviv Marina:

Tel Aviv winter storm 

Source: IGoogledIsrael.

Published on Xcursii.blogspot.com

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